Kelly Gedlaman
Keyboard player & sometime singer. That means he sings some songs, and some he does not sing. That’s why we have a singer.
Richard Erickson plays the Bass – the Bad Ass Bass. That means he is a Bad Ass Bass Player. Come hear for yourself.
Ah – our drummer. Steve Shawcross. Who do you call when you want it done and want it done right? Steve. Steve, the man who drums. The man that gets it done. This isn’t Steve. This isn’t a picture of what Steve looks like. This is a picture of what Steve thinks he looks like.
This is our Sin-gah Naomi Williams. She rocks.
Frank Windsor plays guitar. He likes gear almost as much as Richard does.
Kait Shane
Freddy Litwiniuk
Todd Litwiniuk
Pan Sciore
Wally Peterson
Sano Stante
Steve Bridgett
Tim Martin
Sue Styles
Brooke Wylie
Tom Netzel
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